Sleep apnea test
Conduct your own simple sleep apnea screening test in Hong Kong
If you have sleep apnea, it is important to seek medical assistance. But how do you know if you are suffering from the condition?
The only way to confirm you are in fact suffering from the condition is to undertake a sleep test. If you are unsure whether you need to go for a full sleep apnea test in Hong Kong, you can first conduct a self-assessment at home. To start the preliminary home screening sleep test, simply ask yourself the following questions:
● Have you noticed yourself snoring loudly, or has someone else mentioned it to you?
● Do you find yourself feeling excessively tired on a normal day, even after setting aside enough time for good sleep?
● Has anyone observed irregular breathing patterns as you sleep?
● Do you have high blood pressure?
● Is your BMI at a healthy level?
if you can answer “yes” to several of the above, you should consider seeking a professional sleep apnea test and medical assistance.
Using preliminary evaluations, including Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) and Obstructive Sleep Apnea Assessment Questionnaire, which are self-administered tests for those who suspect they may suffer from a sleep disorder, and those who want to gauge their risks for obstructive sleep apnea. Download to complete these quick tests before undergoing a sleep apnea test in Hong Kong.
What to know before you do your sleep apnea test in Hong Kong
When going for your sleep apnea test in HK, it is important you follow all the below guidelines to get the most accurate test results as possible. Doing so at this stage will help you reach a solution for your sleep apnea quickly and efficiently. Note the following before your sleep test in Hong Kong:
● Avoid coffee or any stimulating or caffeinated drink 12 hours before your test
● Do not take extra naps or change your usual sleep schedule
● Notify us if you are currently taking any medication
How do sleep apnea test work?
The sleep tests conducted at a Hong Kong center use a ventilator to record various data and determine if you have sleep apnea. It is simple, risk-free, and painless as it tracks your breathing status while you sleep. Although one test alone is sufficient for accurate results, should your physical condition, lifestyle, age, and exercise habits change, you may need to repeat it for accurate results.
A sleep apnea test in HK requires only 5-8 hours of sleep data to make an accurate diagnosis. During this time, various data including heartbeat and breathing are collected. The sleep test can be done in the hospital or at your home in Hong Kong or Macau, depending on your situation.
Which sleep apnea test is right for me?
You can choose between polysomnography (PSG), the most common type of sleep apnea test, or a less intensive watch-pat test. Both will provide an accurate diagnosis, but a PSG is more comprehensive.
The benefits of PSG include detailed gathered data, such as the frequency of asphyxiation, brainwaves, eye movement, sleep position, breathing nuances, heartbeat, blood oxygen levels, and more. Your doctor uses the assimilated data to determine your condition and treatment.
If you are conducting a watch-pat sleep test at home in Hong Kong, you can use a comprehensive, wireless or portable sleep tester. These diagnostics are more flexible, as they allow patients to move freely. They are also convenient for going to the bathroom.
Do you think you may have sleep apnea and want a concrete diagnosis?
Find out which sleep test you need today. Our tests gather data on various elements to curate a personalized diagnosis so your doctor can devise the best treatment plan for you in Hong Kong. Contact us to learn more.
Wireless Sleep Diagnostic Machine
Portable Sleep Diagnostic Machine
What are the major symptoms of Sleep Apnea?
If you have sleep apnea, symptoms of sleep apnea can be seen not only during your sleep but also throughout your day-to-day life in HK.
In the mornings, you may
● Have frequent headaches
● Feel tired even after waking up
Throughout the day you may:
● Experience a loss of concentration and lowered reaction times
● Have a deteriorated memory
● Be irritable
As you sleep, you may
● Breathe through your mouth
● Snore excessively
● Experience frequent nocturnal urination
Other symptoms you may notice including:
● Sexual dysfunction
● A higher risk of cardiovascular disease
Symptoms of Sleep Apnea
Mouth breathing
Serious snoring
Frequent nocturnal urination
Morning headaches
Still feel tired after waking up
Loss of concentration, slow in response
Deteriorated memory
Sexual dysfunction
Cardiovascular disease risk
What treatment options are there for sleep apnea in Hong Kong?
After completing your sleep apnea test in HK, your doctor will suggest treatment that best suits your condition and circumstance. there are three major different types of treatment for sleep apnea. Surgery may be an option to remove excess tissue in your throat area to allow for better breathing, while cpap machines offer a similar result through the use of a mask and ventilator. For less serious cases, medicine may also be a less intrusive option. Read more about the different treatments your doctor may suggest after your sleep test results.
What is home sleep test?, (n.d), retrieved from:
Obstructive sleep apnea, (n.d), retrieved from:
Self-screening tool, (September 2013), retrieved from:
What to know about at-home sleep tests, (n.d), retrieved from: