Sleep apnea & snoring treatment options
How to treat snoring & sleep apnea in Hong Kong?
The first step is to check if you have snoring or sleep apnea, and why. This can be done through a sleep test or sleep endoscopy test to analyze the blockages. Your doctor will find out what the cause of your sleep apnea is and can then determine the best treatment option for your snoring and condition, whether surgical or non-surgical.
if your symptoms are caused by soft tissue in the mouth and throat due to excess weight, you can improve your condition through some lifestyle changes. Losing weight, avoiding alcohol, plus limiting sedatives and relaxing medications can serve as your treatment options to relieve your sleep apnea symptoms, such as snoring. However, if your condition is caused by something you cannot change on your own, oral medications or surgery may be recommended. For more details, get in touch with our centers located in Hong Kong and Macau.
Which sleep apnea or snoring treatment options are available in Hong Kong and Macau?
Oral medication can help to alleviate symptoms of snoring and allergic rhinitis like nasal sensitivity. However, some cases of sleep apnea require surgery. Surgical treatments include tonsillectomy, nasal septoplasty, radiofrequency, and chin advancement surgery. A cpap (continuous positive airway pressure) machine delivers steady air pressure through a hose and mask worn overnight. It is a good non-surgical long-term solution for obstructive sleep apnea; however discontinued use can result in relapse. Browse available treatments below and how they each compare to one another. If you are unsure which sleep apnea snoring treatment is right for you, get in touch with us.
- Principles
Removes or reduces excess tissue in the nasal and throat
- Features
Increases air pressure efficiency
Eliminates risk of hypoxia
Treats the blocked areas
Long-lasting effects
No need to rely on a sleep ventilator
- Number of treatments
1 to 2 treatments
- Target oriented
- Healing efficacy
- Limitations
Increases air pressure efficiency
Eliminates the risk of hypoxia
Treats the blocked areas
Long-lasting effects
No need to rely on a sleep ventilator
CPAP Machine
- Principles
Keeps the airways smooth by using positive air pressure
- Features
Treat various blockages simultaneously
- Number of treatments
Wear long-term
- Target oriented
- Healing efficacy
- Limitations
Bedtime Nasal Mask: Put on the mask and connect the plastic pipe
Not an instant fix: Use long-term as discontinuation may cause relapse
Components of the ventilator need to be replaced regularly
- Principles
Prevents nasal sensitivity and nasal congestion in order to reduce asphyxiation
- Features
Not applicable for laryngeal tissue relaxation
- Number of treatments
Take an oral long-term
- Target oriented
- Healing efficacy
- Limitations
Side-effects: Excessive sleepiness during the day, gain weight
Surgical Treatments for Sleep Apnea
The cause of sleep apnea will determine the type of surgery required. Various treatment options are effective at alleviating symptoms, such as snoring, depending on your situation. Enquire with our clinics in Hong Kong and Macau for prices and booking. Read below for the different types of sleep apnea surgery available at our clinics and hospitals.

1) Septoplasty
The first treatment option, septoplasty corrects a deviated septum, which can cause snoring and sleep apnea. The surgery restores the patient’s breathing capacity, and the doctor will make an incision inside the nose to remove deformed nasal bone or cartilage and restore the patient’s breathing capacity. A general anesthetic is required for surgical procedures at hospitals in Hong Kong and Macau.
Aftercare and recovery
The nostrils will be filled with a soluble nasal dressing, so the patient will need to breathe by mouth for around a week until it dissolves. The dissolved dressing can be swallowed. It is normal to have a small amount of blood running from the nose. The situation will resolve in 2-3 weeks.
2) Submucosal Turbinectomy
This sleep apnea treatment option is a quick and minimally invasive operation available at our clinics in Hong Kong and Macau. the procedure reduces the hypertrophic nasal mucosa tissue by radio frequency. The patient might feel an ache during the operation, but it is less harmful to adjacent tissues than normal nasal surgery. It can effectively treat the turbinates and help relieve nasal congestion symptoms like snoring. This operation can take place in a clinic under local anesthetic.
3) Radiofrequency
The doctor will place the radio frequency device into the patient’s mouth to destroy tongue tissues and cause tongue atrophy.
Aftercare and recovery
- Discomfort will last a few days after surgery
- The ablated part will contract and form a scar in 4-6 weeks
- Avoid severe coughing and sneezing
4) Tonsillectomy
Sleep apnea can be caused by enlarged tonsils, especially in children. Tonsillectomy surgery involves the removal of tonsils, the glandular tissue in the mouth. Swollen tonsils may obstruct the upper respiratory tract, causing swallowing problems, snoring, and sleep apnea. Hence, tonsillectomy is an effective treatment.
Aftercare and recovery
- wound care
- the patient might have a sore throat and experience problems swallowing for a few days after surgery
- a small amount of blood in the saliva after surgery is normal.
- diet
- after the anesthetic effect subsides, the patient can gradually return to their normal diet.
- it is advisable to consume frozen liquid foods initially after the procedure, then gradually return to the solid food (please ensure proper medical guidance is followed).
- swallowing discomfort will gradually disappear.
5) Adenoidectomy
A surgical procedure is used to remove a gland. Patients can expect relief of nasal congestion, runny nose, sleep apnea, and middle ear effusion, as well as reduced acute otitis media and recurrence of chronic sinusitis. The surgery must take place in a hospital and under general anesthetic.
Aftercare and recovery
- Wound Care
- Slight discomfort and nasal congestion may occur in the back of the nose after surgery.
- It is normal to have small amount of blood in the saliva or a runny nose.
- Diet
- After the anesthetic effect subsides, the patient can gradually return to their normal diet.
- It is advisable to drink liquid foods initially after the procedure, then gradually return to solid food (please ensure proper medical guidance is followed).
- For treating sore throats, painkillers are usually recommended.
6) Chin Advancement Surgery
Sometimes, the chin position can block airways in the posterior nasal and tongue base regions, causing sleep apnea. The operation will divide the horizontal position of the mandible and pull the bone forward around 6-10mm, in order to improve breathing and act as a treatment for snoring and other sleep apnea symptoms. Then, screws and small steel sheets will be used to fix the incision. The incision is generally in the oral cavity or at the mucosal site between the teeth.
Aftercare and recovery
- The tape can be removed after about a week.
- The chin bones will be fully consolidated after half a year to one year.
Without treatment or surgery, sleep apnea could lead to a higher risk of high blood pressure, irregular heart rhythms, coronary heart disease and stroke. If non-surgical methods such as lifestyle changes have had little impact on your snoring and sleep apnea, or you are unable to tolerate cpap (continuous positive airway pressure) machines, surgery may be the best option to improve your sleep apnea. It is important to consult with your doctor or our team of otolaryngologists to determine if surgery is the correct choice for you and whether there are other treatment options for your snoring and other symptoms. Visit our centers in Hong Kong and Macau today.
While all surgeries carry a degree of risk, having sleep apnea can increase the complications associated with general anesthesia. General anesthesia suppresses muscle activity in the throat, which can impair breathing by allowing airways to close. Before and during the surgery, the anesthesiologist and specialists will discuss with you the possible complications and safely administer the suitable type and dosages to minimize risk. After the procedure, sleep apnea surgery patients may need to be monitored hours after the last dose of anesthesia or other sedatives to see if there are any lasting effects.
Each patient’s severity level is different, and depending on the diagnosis of your sleep apnea, the surgery may involve a multi-step procedure targeting different parts of the throat and nasal area. With many surgical options available, our team of dedicated otolaryngologists will work with you to suggest the safest and most effective treatment options for your sleep apnea, snoring, and related symptoms. Feel free to get in touch with our centers in Hong Kong and Macau.